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A Letter from the MSPCA Executive Staff

A Year in Review and What Lies Ahead in 2024

Greetings MSPCA Members,

As Executive Staff of MSPCA, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the past year. It has been a pleasure meeting so many Maryland-based companies, and the MSPCA Board has been an absolute joy to work with. With 30 years of experience in the industry, we were not surprised to find such great camaraderie and support from Maryland, just as we do across the industry nationwide! We were also happy to grow our membership base by 22% over the past year.

Our primary goal when we began managing MSPCA in November 2022 was to maintain the framework of the previous year without making any sweeping changes. Overall, we are pleased with what has been accomplished and would like to share some highlights with you:

  • The Interstate Pest Management Conference took place in January and saw a 2% increase in attendance. Attendees provided positive feedback about the conference, and we acted on their suggestions. For example, are getting the day off to a more energized start by inviting Dr. Nancy Troyano from Rentokil-Terminix to deliver the keynote speech on the evolution of our industry from exterminators to pest management professionals. If you haven't already registered for the IPMC, please do so right away. Seats are filling up fast!
  • In March, we held the MSPCA WDI-O Recredentialling program and recredentialed 16 WDI-O Inspectors. If your credentials expire in 2024, please plan to attend the virtual recredentialing program to be held this March (date TBD). If you are interested in earning your WDI-O credentials, we partner with the Virginia Pest Management Association to train and test PMPs to become credentialed, then a Maryland supplement is completed. You can find details on how to earn your WDI-O Credentials here.
  • The Western-MD Recertification Webinar held in November provided training and recertification credits to 74 PMPs. The topics of the webinar included updates on Rodent Control Techniques, Mosquito Management and Disease Prevention, Battling Bed bugs, and Termites. The live-streaming event was presented by engaging presenters who had both the knowledge and practical skills that made each session a valuable learning opportunity for attendees. Keep an eye out for details about the Western-MD event for 2024.
  • MSPCA participated in the NPMA Legislative Day held in Washington, DC in March of 2023. We will be there again this year, and we plan to add a special dinner for any Maryland PMPs in attendance on Monday evening of the event. Legislative Day is a great way to educate legislators about our industry. We learn about important legislation impacting our businesses and industry from the NPMA Policy Team, then we take our message to Capitol Hill. But don't worry, we visit legislators as a group - nobody has to go it alone! We hope you will join us for Legislative Day March 10-12 at the Capital Hilton. Get the details about this NPMA meeting here.
  • We are also considering a new event in 2024 that will provide business management training along with a fun opportunity to network with fellow PMPs over BBQ or some other satisfying meal. The details are still coming together but look for more information to be released about this new opportunity to grow your business and build relationships this fall!
  • Because the partnership with VPMA has worked so well for the WDI-O credentialing program, MSPCA has also decided to partner with VPMA on another program called LEAP: Leadership Enrichment Action Program. This 3-part leadership program sharpens leadership skills that provide for professional and personal growth. If you would like to participate in a leadership program or have a young professional that you'd like to help grow, then LEAP is the answer! Each session is 1 ½ - 2 ½ days and will provide great opportunities to learn about innovative thinking, interpersonal disciplines, harnessing strengths for team and individual success, driving change, setting goals, and learning how to create and utilize a one-page business plan to reach your goals. Be part of the 2024 cohort of LEAP leaders! Details will be available shortly but go ahead and email if this is something you'd like to learn more about.

We are excited about the year ahead and hope that you are too. The Maryland State Pest Control Association is here to support the growth of our members. If there is ever anything we can do to make you and your team more successful, please let us know.

Best regards,
Andrea Coron


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